Saturday, December 12, 2009

An Introduction

I suppose I should introduce myself before I start to really post. Everyone wants to know the face behind the words, especially if you are as curious as the barn cats out here where I live.

There you go...not the best shot of me, as I'm starting to get a winter coat. But I look thin and, you have to admit, that is a GREAT smile on my face! My name is Precious Silk MJE, but I'm known to most as Sadie. I am a Haflinger horse(that's right, even though i'm 13.1hh on a good day, I'm still a horse!) and I will be celebrating my 14th birthday on January 19th.
I am currently residing in Ohio, but I have another home up in Michigan. And I must say, I'm quite spoiled! I've got a pretty great pasturemate named Gypsy down here in OH, who is a Spotted Saddle Horse (but also quite short, like I am). She can be a bit stingy with her food, but I'll admit, I try to eat more than my fair share of things. Other than that, she's a right nice mare and we get along quite nicely.
I enjoy massages, acupressure, chiro and bodywork, thanks to the skills of my fabulous owners and current farrier. Speaking of farriers--not high on my "like" list. At all. But this current guy is great. He is patient with me and knows when I'm not having the best of days and doesn't hold it against me. He is also my chiro and does a great job.
Up until I was 9 years old, I was just a pasture puff. Then my current home acquired me and turned me into a trail pony. I must say, it is quite enjoyable. And I didn't mind it so much, so I decided to be an easy horse to work with. I could have bucked and reared and bolted and such, but let's face it--that takes too much effort and I'm a laid back kinda gal.
I've had some great adventures with my owners--from working at a Boy Scouts of America camp alongside one of them, to gorgeous trail rides up in Michigan and down here in Ohio...and even a small taste of YouTube fun. I love my people and they love me. I think I'm quite the lucky little mare--I don't just have one "forever home", I've got two!

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